Genioplasty Surgery

No other structure defines the overall shape and balance of your face as your jawline. As the anatomic boundary of your face, the bone of your jaw and the soft tissues that surround it are the key components that define your facial shape and the proportions of your nose, eyes and overall facial balance.


Chin modification is the more common form of surgery for the overall jawline. It typically involves a surgical procedure to augment or reduce the chin profile by either modifiying your own bony anatomy (genioplasty) or using an implant (chin implant surgery).


While non-surgical chin filler using hyaluronic acid can be used to similarly augment your chin size and projection, there is less control over the contour, the resultant chin is soft to touch and may sag with time and ultimately the effects are only temporary.


Genioplasty surgery


Involves making an incision in the gum line and dissecting down on to the mid secion of the mandible (jaw bone). After the bone is exposed, a cut is created in the lower 1/3rd of the bone to allow for the lower segment to be mobilised in the direction of choice to modify the chin profile. The bone is then secured using surgical plates and screws to hold its position until the bone pieces heal and fuse.


Chin implant surgery


Uses an external approach with an incision made under the chin in the neck area. Dissection is performed superiorly to expose the jaw line and a pre-selected implant is inserted and secured to the bone using screws. There are a number of different implant materials available however Dr Ahn prefers to use a porous polyethylene implant that avoids bony erosion and enable secure fixation of the implant to bone using screws. 


Your initial consultation for jaw surgery  will begin with a discussion regarding your goals for the operation. Be as detailed as possible and come prepared with any questions that you would like answered about the procedure. You will also have photos taken for the consultation and we will use a 3D imaging system to simulate the desired changes to allow you to gain a better idea of how your chin and face will appear post operatively. Dr. Ahn will explain the procedure and possible complications in detail and you will need to attend a secondary consultation prior to finalising your decision to allow you to ask any further questions you may have.


Jaw line operations are performed in a hospital under general anaesthesia. The operation typically takes between 2 - 3 hours depending on the complexity of the case and may be performed as a day surgery or an overnight stay.  When you wake from the procedure, you will have a compression garment or bandaging around your jaw and the top of your head to protect and minimise swelling. This compression must be worn full time 2 weeks. 


All surgery carries risks and those specific to this procedure will be discussed with you during your consultation and also provided in your consent paperwork. Possible risks of a jawline surgery and genioplasty procedures include:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Scarring
  • Asymmetry
  • Numbness or hypersensitivity of the teeth
  • Facial muscle paralysis
  • Injury to underlying structures
  • Implant loss
  • Dififculty chewing

It is expected that you will require 2 weeks off typical daily activities such as work and light exercise. For the first week, you are likely to require pain relief that makes you drowsy and will be unable to drive. After your 2 week review, most daily activities including a return to work are possible. You will be advised to refrain from contact sports or heavy lifting for 6 weeks.


The chin and jaw area are prone to significant post operative swelling due to their dependant position. During your consultation you will be advised that it will take at least 6 weeks before a significant changes in swelling appear and that final results will take between 3-6 months to show.  Initial bruising typically lasts 2-3 weeks.


If you are interested in a consultation for a genioplasty or jawline surgery procedure, please contact us or call 1300 008 098 for your consultation

Before and after photos of patient with chin augmentation with chin implant for mandibular hypoplasia. Results shown at 3 months post op